Studio Policies
Waiting Room Policies
You are welcome to sit in the waiting area during your child’s class. Please be on time and come into the building to pick up your child after class. Please do not talk to your child during class as it can be a distraction and a disruption to the classroom environment. If a spill occurs please promptly clean it up and dispose of it in the trash can in the lobby. Please dispose of all trash. If your drink still contains liquid please dispose of it in the trash can located outside to the left of the studio door.
Water/ Bathroom Break Policy
Each class will be given a water break during the duration of class. Please send your child with a labeled water bottle.
Our smallest dancers in Combo class may take a water break during the changing of shoes. Parents please assist with this.
Please only send your dancer with water. No sports drinks, soda, milk, juice etc. will be allowed in the studio.
Child Drop Off and Child Pick-Up
All dancers must be walked to and from the studio door. Dancers are not allowed to run from the curb to the studio or from the studio to a curbed parked car. The office staff and teachers are not there to monitor the pick up of children by parents/siblings etc.
Late Child Pick-Up
Artistry understands that things happen that may cause you to be late picking up your child however picking up your child late more than once causes not only a safety issue as the child is in a lobby by themselves but a distraction to the teacher and the office staff working. Please adhere to the pickup times. Any parent more than 5 minutes late will be charged $10 dollars for 6 to 10 minutes, $20 11 to 20 minutes, $30 21 to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you will be charge and additional $2 a minute. Please pick your child up on time!!!
Absentee and Make-Up Policy
No payments will be refunded for any unattended or observed classes.
Students will be allowed to make-up a missed lesson by attending another class. All make-up classes must be taken prior to the end of the semester in which the class is missed.
All make-up classes must be approved and scheduled with the Director prior to attending a make-up class.
The monthly payment for each class will remain the same even if a student misses a class. This policy remains in effect even if a student misses an entire month, so please ensure your child arrives on time and is present for each class.
All students are expected to arrive to class regularly and on-time. If your child is more than 5 minutes late, they will be asked to warm up on their own depending on how far we are into the warmup. I your child is more than 7 minutes late, they will be asked to observe the class. We reserve the right to change a student’s class time or day if attendance becomes a problem.
Withdrawal from the Studio.
If you need to withdraw your child from the school you must submit a 30 day notice. Submitting a 30 day notice after the 2nd of the month means that you will be change tuition the next month as it is less than 30 days before the next tuition payment. Please send all withdrawal notices to
Camp Absentee, Make-Up Policy &Refunds
If a child misses part of the camp only credits will be given.
If a child is sick or if camp is cancelled due to covid you will be issued a credit
If a child does not attend camp only a credit will be given.
All Credits are Good For One Year.
Studio Closure Dates
The studio will be closed the following days:
Labor Day Weekend 9/3/2023-9/5/2023
Fall Break 10/1-10/9
Halloween 10/31/23
Thanksgiving Break 11/20-11/24
Holiday Break 12/18-1/3/23
MLK 1/15
Winter Break 2/15-2/19
Spring Break 4/1-4/5/24
4th of July 4/4
There is no payment reduction for holiday months, as some months have five weeks.
Tuition Policy
Tuition is due on the first day of each month. Payment may be made by cash, credit, or debit card. You may set up automatic payment with your bank. Please let the front office know if you wish to set up auto-pay.
Tuition not received by the 5th of each month will result in a $20 late fee. Tuition not received by the 10th of each month will result in an additional $10 late fee. Unpaid tuition or fees will be referred to an attorney or collections agency and will include but may not be limited to outstanding fees, late fees, and attorney or collections costs.
Returned checks will be assessed a charge of $35.
Tuition is not prorated and is based on the dancing school year divided by months. The tuition reflects an average of all months. There is no additional charge fee for months with 5 classes.
There are no refunds for missed classes. Students can make up the class at another scheduled class time during the semester in which the class is missed with a pre-approval from the director.
The School requires a 30 day written notice for all withdrawals. One month’s tuition will be charged from those whom we do not receive the required notice. If a notice is received on the 20th of the month, tuition would still be due for the following month.
Recital Policy and Fees
A recital fee will be due for the end of the year recital with February tuition to defray the costs of facility rental and sets. This fee is non-refundable.
May Recital tickets will range between $18 and $25 dollars per ticket.
Recital tickets are non-refundable.
If a Recital ticket is misplaced or lost you must purchase a new ticket at the door rate.
December 9th Show tickets range between $16 and $20 dollars per ticket.
May Recital Date TBD. Estimated to be around May 11th(the Saturday of Mother’s Day Weekend).
Recital costumes will not be distributed if any fees are outstanding.
Outstanding balances remaining on the account the Thursday before recital, will result in your dancer barred from the performance.
The Artistry Performing Arts Center has permission to use my child’s name and photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade, and any other lawful purpose and perpetuity.
If you choose to not participate in the Spring Recital, notice must be given to the Studio by December 15th
Costume Policy and Fees
A recital costume fee will be due for the end of the year recital. It will be split between January’s and February’s tuition. This fee is non-refundable.
Measurements will be taken in class the second and third week of October and again the 2nd and 3rd week of January.
December Costume Piece Fee is $30 per class
Tutu Cute Costume Fee- $70 per class
Costume Fee for K-2 Combo and Class levels One and up -$80.00 per class
Ballet 3/4 only costumes are $90.
Costumes are ordered the 3rd weekend in February.
Recital costumes will not be distributed if any fees are outstanding.
Classroom Etiquette
Please arrive on time. Any dancer more than 7 minutes late will be asked to observe the class. Warming your muscles up before we get into class is important and it is dangerous to jump into a physical activity without properly warming your body up.
Please only bring water into the dance studio. Juice, sports drinks and others liquids leave a sticky mess and takes time away from class to properly clean
Please make sure hair is up in a pony tail, or bun(ballet).
No Gum or Candy allowed.
Please send your dancer in the appropriate dance wear and dance shoes for class. Students not dressed in the mandatory dance wear will be asked to sit and observe.
Parents are not allowed in the Dance room unless invited in.
At No time should any parent be in the office. If you are late please knock on the dance door and someone will open it once it is safe for you to come in or once the music is off and a knock can be heard.